ZpL: a p-adic precision package


  • ZpCR stands for Capped Relative precision: this is roughly the analogue of interval arithmetic (a $p$-adic number is represented by a subset of the shape $x + O(p^n)$ and precision is tracked by operating of these subsets)
  • ZpFP stands for Floating Point arithmetic: this is the analogue of usual floating point arithmetic (just a certain subset of $p$-adic numbers are available and results are rounded so that they always lie in this subset)
  • ZpLC stands for Lattice Precision with cap (provided by our package)
  • ZpLF stands for Lattice Precision combined with Floating Point arithmetics (provided by our package)

Creation of the rings

In [1]:
Z2 = Zp(2, prec=30, print_mode="digits")
Q2 = Z2.fraction_field()
In [2]:
Z3 = Zp(3, prec=20, print_mode="digits")

First examples

In [3]:
x = random_element(Z3,5)
ZpCR [3]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [3]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [3]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [3]:
0.000 s

When we multiply by $p$, we gain one digit of absolute precision:

In [4]:
ZpCR [4]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [4]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [4]:
0.004 s
ZpLF [4]:
0.004 s

The ZpL package sees this gain of precision even if the computation is split into several steps:

In [5]:
x + x + x
ZpCR [5]:
0.004 s
ZpFP [5]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [5]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [5]:
0.000 s
In [6]:
y = 2*x
ZpCR [6]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [6]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [6]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [6]:
0.000 s
In [7]:
x + y
ZpCR [7]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [7]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [7]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [7]:
0.000 s

The same with multiplication:

In [8]:
ZpCR [8]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [8]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [8]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [8]:
0.000 s
In [9]:
x * x * x
ZpCR [9]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [9]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [9]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [9]:
0.000 s
In [10]:
y = x^2
ZpCR [10]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [10]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [10]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [10]:
0.000 s
In [11]:
x * y
ZpCR [11]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [11]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [11]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [11]:
0.000 s

Computations with numbers at different precision

In [12]:
x = random_element(Z2,10)
y = random_element(Z2,5)
In [13]:
u = x+y
ZpCR [13]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [13]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [13]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [13]:
0.000 s
In [14]:
v = x-y
ZpCR [14]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [14]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [14]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [14]:
0.000 s

Now we compute $u + v$, which is also $2x$. Here is what we get:

In [15]:
ZpCR [15]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [15]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [15]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [15]:
0.004 s
In [16]:
ZpCR [16]:
0.000 s
ZpFP [16]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [16]:
0.000 s
ZpLF [16]:
0.000 s

The SOMOS 4 sequence

The SOMOS 4 sequence is the sequence defined by the recurrence $$u_{n+4} = \frac{u_{n+1}u_{n+3} + u_{n+2}^2}{u_n}.$$ It turns out that its computation is highly unstable.
For this reason, using the ZpL package can here be decisive.

In [17]:
def somos(u0, u1, u2, u3, n):
    a, b, c, d = u0, u1, u2, u3
    for _ in range(4, n+1):
        a, b, c, d = b, c, d, (b*d + c*c) / a
    return d
In [18]:
somos(Z2(1,15), Z2(1,15), Z2(1,15), Z2(3,15), 18)
ZpCR [18]:
0.004 s
ZpFP [18]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [18]:
0.052 s
ZpLF [18]:
0.032 s
In [19]:
somos(Z2(1,15), Z2(1,15), Z2(1,15), Z2(3,15), 100)
ZpCR [19]:
0.000 s
PrecisionError: cannot divide by something indistinguishable from zero.
ZpFP [19]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [19]:
0.364 s
ZpLF [19]:
0.228 s

Computations with matrices

Product of many matrices

In [20]:
MS = MatrixSpace(Z2,2)
In [21]:
M = MS(1)
for _ in range(60):
    M *= random_element(MS, prec=8)
In [22]:
ZpCR [22]:
0.000 s
[ ...010100000000000000 ...1111000000000000000]
[   ...0011000000000000   ...10010000000000000]
ZpFP [22]:
0.000 s
[ ...00101100101000111110111100010100000000000000 ...011010011000000010010100111111000000000000000]
[   ...100110110001111110010001100011000000000000   ...0111001111111001101010101110010000000000000]
ZpLC [22]:
0.000 s
[ ...00010100000000000000 ...111111000000000000000]
[   ...100011000000000000   ...1110010000000000000]
ZpLF [22]:
0.000 s
[ ...00010100000000000000 ...111111000000000000000]
[   ...100011000000000000   ...1110010000000000000]


In [23]:
D = diagonal_matrix([ Z3(1,5), Z3(9,5), Z3(27,5), Z3(81,5) ])
ZpCR [23]:
0.040 s
[...00001        0        0        0]
[       0 ...00100        0        0]
[       0        0 ...01000        0]
[       0        0        0 ...10000]
ZpFP [23]:
0.000 s
[    ...00000000000000000001                           0                           0                           0]
[                          0   ...0000000000000000000100                           0                           0]
[                          0                           0  ...00000000000000000001000                           0]
[                          0                           0                           0 ...000000000000000000010000]
ZpLC [23]:
0.004 s
[...00001        0        0        0]
[       0 ...00100        0        0]
[       0        0 ...01000        0]
[       0        0        0 ...10000]
ZpLF [23]:
0.000 s
[...00001        0        0        0]
[       0 ...00100        0        0]
[       0        0 ...01000        0]
[       0        0        0 ...10000]

The determinant of $D$ is known at higher precision. This is due to the particular shape of $D$.

In [24]:
ZpCR [24]:
0.012 s
ZpFP [24]:
0.004 s
ZpLC [24]:
0.152 s
ZpLF [24]:
0.056 s

This phenomenon is preserved when $D$ is modified by (left and right) multiplication by some matrix. However the software may or may not see it, depending on the method it uses for tracking precision

In [25]:
MS = D.parent()
P = random_element(MS, prec=5)
Q = random_element(MS, prec=5)
M = P*D*Q
ZpCR [25]:
0.000 s
[ ...00120  ...20020  ...20110 ...200100]
[ ...12000  ...21200  ...20200  ...10100]
[ ...21000  ...11100  ...22100  ...22200]
[ ...20021  ...01101  ...21002  ...20220]
ZpFP [25]:
0.004 s
[  ...000000011020110000120   ...000000002100101020020   ...000000011002210020110  ...0000000010121011200100]
[...00000000020011211112000  ...0000000011121221221200  ...0000000021100012120200  ...0000000012221210210100]
[...00000000100010222221000  ...0000000012111001011100  ...0000000100012210022100  ...0000000021210022222200]
[   ...00000011220000220021    ...00000010010221001101    ...00000012020102121002   ...000000011100122120220]
ZpLC [25]:
0.408 s
[ ...00120  ...20020  ...20110 ...200100]
[ ...12000  ...21200  ...20200  ...10100]
[ ...21000  ...11100  ...22100  ...22200]
[ ...20021  ...01101  ...21002  ...20220]
ZpLF [25]:
0.428 s
[ ...00120  ...20020  ...20110 ...200100]
[ ...12000  ...21200  ...20200  ...10100]
[ ...21000  ...11100  ...22100  ...22200]
[ ...20021  ...01101  ...21002  ...20220]
In [26]:
ZpCR [26]:
0.004 s
ZpFP [26]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [26]:
0.560 s
ZpLF [26]:
0.376 s
In [27]:
P.determinant() * D.determinant() * Q.determinant()
ZpCR [27]:
0.004 s
ZpFP [27]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [27]:
0.676 s
ZpLF [27]:
0.568 s

Notice that ZpCR cannot decide whether the determinant $M$ vanishes. This may have important consequences if, at some point, we will test if $M$ is invertible or not and jump to one branch or another one depending on the result.

In [28]:
ZpCR [28]:
0.004 s
(...00000000000000000001)*x^4 + (...10120)*x^3 + (...02100)*x^2 + (0)*x + (0)
ZpFP [28]:
0.000 s
...00000000000000000001*x^4 + ...222222011120011010120*x^3 + ...0022121020011212002100*x^2 + ...00012200222121121011000000*x + ...000000010121201222210000000000
ZpLC [28]:
0.356 s
...00000000000000000001*x^4 + ...10120*x^3 + ...02100*x^2 + ...1000000*x + ...10000000000
ZpLF [28]:
0.360 s
...00000000000000000001*x^4 + ...10120*x^3 + ...02100*x^2 + ...1000000*x + ...10000000000

Dodgson condensation algorithm

Dodgson condensation is a recursive method for computing the determinant of a matrix. A description of the method can be found here.

In [29]:
def dodgson(M):   # M must be a square matrix
    n = M.nrows() - 1
    A = M
    B = matrix(n, n, 
               [ [ M[i,j]*M[i+1,j+1] - M[i+1,j]*M[i,j+1] 
                   for j in range(n) ] for i in range(n) ])
    for m in range(n-1, 0, -1):
        A, B = B, matrix(m, m, 
                         [ [ (B[i,j]*B[i+1,j+1] - B[i+1,j]*B[i,j+1]) / A[i+1,j+1] 
                             for j in range(m) ] for i in range(m) ])
    return B[0,0]
In [30]:
MS = MatrixSpace(Z2, 6)
M = random_element(MS, prec=10)
In [31]:
ZpCR [31]:
0.012 s
ZpFP [31]:
0.008 s
ZpLC [31]:
1.004 s
ZpLF [31]:
0.528 s
In [32]:
ZpCR [32]:
0.004 s
ZpFP [32]:
0.000 s
ZpLC [32]:
1.980 s
ZpLF [32]:
1.668 s

Computations with polynomials

In [33]:
S.<x> = PolynomialRing(Q2)
P = random_element(S, degree=10, prec=5)
Q = random_element(S, degree=10, prec=5)
D = x^5 + random_element(S, degree=4, prec=8)
ZpCR [33]:
0.004 s
(...000000000000000000000000000001)*x^5 + (...00110010)*x^4 + (...00011111)*x^3 + (...00010010)*x^2 + (...00011111)*x + (...10101000)
ZpFP [33]:
0.000 s
...000000000000000000000000000001*x^5 + ...0000000000000000000000000110010*x^4 + ...000000000000000000000000011111*x^3 + ...0000000000000000000000000010010*x^2 + ...000000000000000000000000011111*x + ...000000000000000000000000010101000
ZpLC [33]:
0.076 s
...000000000000000000000000000001*x^5 + ...00110010*x^4 + ...00011111*x^3 + ...00010010*x^2 + ...00011111*x + ...10101000
ZpLF [33]:
0.080 s
...000000000000000000000000000001*x^5 + ...00110010*x^4 + ...00011111*x^3 + ...00010010*x^2 + ...00011111*x + ...10101000

With high probability, $P$ and $Q$ are coprime, implying that the gcd of $DP$ is $DQ$ is $D$.
However, we observe that we do not always get this expected result:

In [34]:
def euclidean(A,B):
    while B != 0:
        A, B = B, A % B
    return A.monic()
In [35]:
euclidean(D*P, D*Q)
ZpCR [35]:
0.004 s
(0)*x^13 + (0)*x^12 + (0)*x^11 + (...01)*x^10 + (0)*x^9 + (0)*x^8 + (0)*x^7 + (0)*x^6 + (...10)*x^5 + (0)*x^4 + (0)*x^3 + (0)*x^2 + (0)*x + (0)
ZpFP [35]:
0.004 s
ZpLC [35]:
4.024 s
...000000000000000000000000000001*x^5 + ...0010*x^4 + ...0011111*x^3 + ...0010*x^2 + ...1111*x + ...0101000
ZpLF [35]:
2.812 s
...000000000000000000000000000001*x^5 + ...0010*x^4 + ...0011111*x^3 + ...0010*x^2 + ...1111*x + ...0101000

More precisely, ZpCR often found a gcd of higher degree. Indeed the Euclidean algorithm stops prematurely because the software believes that some early remainder vanishes due to the lack of precision.
The situation with ZpFP is the exact opposite: since the precision is too high (always the maximal cap), the software does not notice that the remainder vanishes. Therefore the Euclidean algorithm does not stop until it obtains a remainder of degree $0$.

Gröbner basis

In [36]:
R.<x,y,z> = PolynomialRing(Q2, order = 'invlex')
F = [Q2(2,10)*x + Q2(1,10)*z, 
     Q2(1,10)*x^2 + Q2(1,10)*y^2 - Q2(2,10)*z^2,
     Q2(4,10)*y^2 + Q2(1,10)*y*z + Q2(8,10)*z^2]
In [37]:
from sage.rings.polynomial.toy_buchberger import buchberger_improved
g = buchberger_improved(ideal(F)); g.sort()
ZpCR [37]:
0.016 s
[x^3, x*y + ...1100010*x^2, y^2 + ...11001*x^2, z + ...0000000010*x]
ZpFP [37]:
0.016 s
[x^3, x*y + ...1111111111111111111111111100010*x^2, y^2 + ...011111111111111111111111111001*x^2, z + ...0000000000000000000000000000010*x]
ZpLC [37]:
1.656 s
[x^3, x*y + ...111100010*x^2, y^2 + ...1111111001*x^2, z + ...0000000010*x]
ZpLF [37]:
1.868 s
[x^3, x*y + ...111100010*x^2, y^2 + ...1111111001*x^2, z + ...0000000010*x]

$p$-adic differential equations

In [38]:
def edp_simple(g, h, N):
    S = g.parent()
    u = S.gen()
    for i in range(N):
        u -= h(u) * (u.derivative()/h(u) - g).integral()
        u = u[:2^(i+1)]
    return u
In [39]:
N = 4
S.<t> = PowerSeriesRing(Q2, 2^N)
In [40]:
h = 1 + t + t^3
y = t + t^2 * random_element(S,10)
g = y.derivative() / h(y)
In [41]:
u = edp_simple(g, h, N)
ZpCR [41]:
0.056 s
ZpFP [41]:
0.008 s
ZpLC [41]:
41.623 s
ZpLF [41]:
25.746 s