Modules de Drinfeld
Cette rubrique regroupe mes travaux sur les modules de Drinfeld et
leurs généralisations (e.g. motifs d'Anderson). J'étudie en
particulier les aspects calculatoires de ces objets.
X. Caruso, Q. Gazda, A. Lucas
Wieferich primes for Drinfeld modules
prépublication, 32 pages
The aim of this paper is to discuss the notion of Wieferich primes in the context of Drinfeld modules.
Our main result is a surprising connection between the proprety of a monic irreducible polynomial $\mathfrak p$ to be Wieferich and the $\mathfrak p$-adic valuation of special $L$-values of Drinfeld modules.
This generalizes a theorem of Thakur for the Carlitz module.
We also study statistical distributions of Wieferich primes, proving in particular
that a place of degree $d$ is Wieferich with the expected probability $q^{-d}$ when we average over large enough sets of Drinfeld modules.
X. Caruso, A. Leudière
Algorithms for computing norms and characteristic polynomials on general Drinfeld modules
à paraître à Math. Comp., 44 pages
We provide two families of algorithms to compute characteristic
polynomials of endomorphisms and norms of isogenies of Drinfeld
modules. Our algorithms work for Drinfeld modules of any rank,
defined over any base curve.
When the base curve is $\mathbb P^1_{\mathbb F_q}$, we do a thorough
study of the complexity, demonstrating that our algorithms are,
in many cases, the most asymptotically performant.
The first family of algorithms relies on the correspondence
between Drinfeld modules and Anderson motives, reducing the computation to
linear algebra over a polynomial ring.
The second family, available only for the Frobenius endomorphism, is based
on a new formula expressing the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius
as a reduced norm in a central simple algebra.
X. Caruso, Q. Gazda
Computation of classical and $v$-adic $L$-series of $t$-motives
Res. Number Theory (2025), 11–35
We design an algorithm for computing the $L$-series associated
to an Anderson $t$-motives, exhibiting quasilinear complexity
with respect to the target precision. Based on experiments, we
conjecture that the order of vanishing at $T=1$ of the $v$-adic
$L$-series of a given Anderson $t$-motive with good reduction does
not depend on the finite place $v$.
D. Ayotte, X. Caruso, A. Leudière, J. Musleh
Drinfeld modules in SageMath
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 57 (2023), 65–71
We present the first implementation of Drinfeld modules fully integrated in
the SageMath ecosystem. First features will be released with SageMath 10.0.